Friday, January 18, 2008

Stupid Cat Videos

Added: January 01, 2008 to YouTube

Turn of the FM Radio on my page and watch it if you have time!

In response to all the record store cat videos I decided to create one of my own.

This is thrown together - but I enjoyed making it.

Anyway this is what happens when you watch too many stupid cat videos.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Eye C U

Surrounded by Stupidity AKA The Bitch's Bitches!
This page is dedicated to all the stupidity I find in this world and a semi-resurrection of an old web site no longer active. Like the 'All Seeing Eye' my 'Third Eye' is wide open and I see more stupidity than anything else. I'm completely surrounded by stupidity - we all are. I decided to open this site as a bitch and complain area. I'm looking for like minded people who's got a gripe about the idiots in this world.
I will have random things here... not always bitching. This is a bizarre world we live in... humans are the most bizzare of all. I have qurky humor - takes some awhile to 'get me'. If you offend easily or have no strange humor then run away fast.. this area is not for you.